Walls, Walls and More Walls

Apr 21, 2024

Passage: Joshua 6:1-25

Preacher: Dr. Doug McCart

Category: Putting Action to your Christian Life

Keywords: god, priests, walk, jeremiah, walls, around, trumpets shout


The Isrealites were taking the Promised Land and it was not easy. The City of Jericho was a very large stronghold, its walls were 25 feet tall and 20 feet wide and the Israelites would never be able to take the city because of its defenses. God had a plan, but it was a plan that required the Isrealites to do exactly as He commanded. They needed to have faith and believe that God had everything taken care of. For six days they walked around the city walls of Jericho while the inhabitants of Jericho taunted them and challenged them. Then on the 7th day God told them to change plans. Horns blowing, seven times around and then a shout and well then God's plan came together. The walls fell down FLAT.

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